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Alopecia (Greek alopex) is abnormal or rarefaction of hair loss, so the term is considered a synonym of baldness. It can affect the scalp or other areas of the skin where there hair like eyelashes, eyebrows, armpits, genital region and barba.1

Alopecia can be classified into many groups according to their origin and manifestations, but the most common form is androgenic alopecia, androgenetic alopecia or also called common baldness, which is responsible for 95% of cases and mainly affects males less often women, and owes its name to which is caused by the action of male hormones or androgens on the hair follicle, causing miniaturization progresiva.2 3

Other common forms of alopecia areata are alopecia, in which hair loss is not final and is commonly restricted to a particular area; alopecia universalis is the extended form of alopecia areata; and scarring alopecia which is caused by the destruction of the hair follicle and is therefore irreversible by. There are many varieties of alopecia less frequent presentation that may be caused by genetic causes, medications, skin infections, trauma, nutritional deficiencies and certain skin diseases or generales.



¿ What is Alopecia?

Here are the most common questions about this topic.



The type of hair loss in men has been considered for a long time something inherited and what is true. However, it is not inherited only from the father, but the mother. These genes from the mother and father can add their effect by a person who has ancestors of baldness by the father and mother, balder. When inheritance is just the father or mother only baldness could be lower.

The genes for baldness may not appear in a generation and reappear later and randomly grandchildren. Many say they do not have relatives with baldness. The amount of hair fall over time, or the degree of baldness varies from person to person, even in identical twins. Anticipate how bald going to be a young person is difficult, but a specialist in hair removal experts can give you an idea. The international classification identifies 7 degrees of baldness.


Find out what level you are and when we send correspondence photo also says about what level your query encuentra.Durante Dr Pavajeau used a digital microscope that allows you to see you and your follicles are affected. With this technology Dr Pavajeau can anticipate that as bald can be you. Do not miss this opportunity and come to the consultation is for their baldness bien.La is more intense at certain times of life .Among 20 and 25 are the first signs of thinning. However, between 35 and 45 already displayed a definite baldness and tends to stabilize. Stress and certain environmental conditions may deteriorate further hereditary baldness.


What causes hair loss?

Why hair falls in men?

Hair loss in men occurs when hereditary problem follicles become sensitive to testosterone produced in the testicles .This hormone dihydrotestosterone is converted into DHT which is damage or atrophy of the follicle.


Testosterone causes the follicles to atrophy and thus production becomes thinner hair follicle .Sencillamente becomes smaller. During the consultation with a high-tech microscope can confirm the thinning! This also produces a hair follicle grows less each month. It usually is 1 cm per month, but it will grow slower than 1 cm every 2 or 3 months.


The bald patient always retains a portion of hair in the area above the ears and the lower part of the head, which is not sensitive to testosterone. These follicles will last a lifetime and are used in transplantation and is called donor area.


Why the hair falls in women?

Women can also inherit baldness parent. Baldness can be influenced by hormones of the thyroid gland and the female or estrógenos.Pero Many women also have higher levels of testosterone produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Same can present male type at the top of the head there a type of female baldness differs from the male as it concerns more generally all follicles of the head. But just as in man the bottom of the ears and the nape we can serve as donor site. If the whole area is poor and have no recourse can use synthetic fiber called Biofibra. Are also useful in women's microtatuaje and camouflage with Topik or Capimax or Hair pilox. See Case and information on treatment for baldness in women here


Is there really any treatment that is effective against hair loss?

Yes, but be careful with the treatments we choose and we must always seek the advice of a doctor.



Does the implanted hair may fall out.?

No. The implanted hair during hair transplant scalp areas with low sensitivity to androgens. That hair will follow the normal cycle of growth and renewal, but the root remains vital.



What is hair transplant or hair transplant?

Hair transplantation looking for a natural result. This is most important and this solution will become a complete failure. For us the most important thing is that the patient has the most natural results possible.



What is sought with the hair transplant or hair microimplant?

Hair transplantation looking for a natural result. This is most important and this solution will become a complete failure. For us the most important thing is that the patient has the most natural results possible.



What is the ideal age for a hair transplant performed?

Our younger patients are 17 years and older 85 years. Practically can perform hair transplant or microimplant at any age and in men and women.



What is the ideal age for a hair transplant performed?

Our younger patients are 17 years and older 85 years. Practically can perform hair transplant or microimplant at any age and in men and women.



When you can not perform hair transplantation?

No  se puede realizar trasplante o micro trasplante  en personas que no tengan cabello en la  zona donante. En algunas  mujeres esto es  muy frecuente porque su zona  donante  a  diferencia de la  de los hombres es mala.  
En esos  casos  lo ideal es  el implante sintético de biofibra.
Si por  el  contrario  la  zona  donante es grande y de  buena densidad si se puede.
En pacientes con densidades muy bajas o calvicies muy extensas se puede lograr una cobertura parcial.



This surgery under local or general anesthesia?

Usually local anesthesia is rarely used general anesthesia

It is expensive hair transplant or hair?

If one compares with what you spend on treatments for baldness prevention per year, surgery is not expensive. The reason is that the treatment is done and then not need to invest any more because hair transplantation lasts a lifetime.

How effective is hair transplantation?

It has a success almost 100% in the hands of experienced surgeons and where surgeries are short. If the surgeon makes mega sessions (over 1500 follicles transplanted into a single surgery) the percent survival and low success. Never rejection because the hair is the same person and therefore the body does not reject it.

How will the new hair after a hair transplant?

The hair transplant behaves like the area where it was taken. Igul grows stronger 1cm or more per month, has the same color and texture. It is identical to that the patient had.

How many times a week and how should bathe transplanted hair?

Daily bathing with water and shampoo for normal hair does not hurt the hair. The transplanted hair can also, tinturar, blow-dry, crimping and cutting as you would a patient with normal hair.

It is painful hair transplant?

It is painful hair transplant?

El transplante de cabello no es doloroso si se utiliza la técnica  adecuada. Ni siquiera  se  requiere de sedantes ni otras drogras. Todos  los  pacientes  lo toleran  con  la  sola  anestesia local y su opinión siempre es que es mas  tolerable que un procedimiento odontológico.

The hair transplant leaves a small scar is not visible when the hair has more than 7 mm in the area from which he was taken. If the patient wants to be totally Shaving the head and the scar is hardly visible. It only becomes apparent when hair is between 2 mm and 7 mm and only in some patients.

Complications have hair transplantation?

Hair Transplant no complications or infections. The only annoyance is edema or swelling of the eyelids presented for 2 or 3 days if the patient does not keep rest 48 hours after surgery.


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